Planbook Templates

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Helper helps with: season, month, date of month, day of week song!!, today, yesterday, tomorrow, 2 weather, days of school (hooks, whiteboard, 100 chart, pennies, equation).
  • Gather students on blue carpet; sit in rocking chair next to Calendar.   Note: Months alternate using red and black dates.  Cards are in cups by the rocking chair.
  • Helper of the day (owl to the upper left of the smartboard) leads calendar, with teacher's help
  • Helper asks: "What is the season?"  (calls on someone)  "What is the month?"  (calls on someone, teacher helps get correct answer).  Helper turns the season and month arrow on the lower left.
  • We put in the date of the month and count all the days until the current date and put it up (or more than one if one is missing for weekends, etc.)
  • Helper asks: "What day is today?"  (calls on someone then puts day in "today is" slot on right).  "What day is tomorrow?"  (puts day in "tomorrow is" slot).  "What day was yesterday?" (puts day in "yesterday" slot).
  • Helper asks: "What is the weather today?" (calls on someone to get either temperature or precipitation, e.g. "hot", "sunny", "rainy", etc.).  Then have them ask for another word to get the other thing (temp or precip).  Put the weather cards on the weather frog.
  • Everybody: "today is ____.  tomorrow will be ____.  yesterday was ____. today's weather was ____."
  • Helper Changes the number of days in school (the three numbers 0 0 x on hooks in the upper right).  
  • Helper Changes the days in school that is written on the whiteboard
  • Reminder: don't erase the whiteboard
  • Cross out days on cross-out 100 chart in FAR uper right; count them all and cross out the new ones as a class.
  • Change the days of school on the penny-nickel-dime chart and show the children the pennies, nickels and dimes; do an appropriate equation e.g. 5 + 1 = 6.  Use fingers to show numbers and hole arms in the shape of a + or = sign and the children will follow this equation.
