Planbook Templates

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Do Lunch Sticks
Do Helper
Greeting: ___
Lunch Count/ Att:
Morning Message: 
Interactive Writing:


as described above, or have students go in a circle high-fiving and saying "Good morning ____." 

Share: Have students go around and share one thing about themselves, e.g. favorite sport (please pick your own, they've probably already shared their favorite sport).

Practice Classroom Routine:

Game/Song: Play a Responsive Classroom type game such as Four Corners, which they know.

Morning Message:


  • Lunch sticks should be on the table spread out as students arrive; they should unstack chairs, put their backpacks up and put the lunch sticks on the hot lunch or cold lunch velcro strips by the door before coming to circle.

Helper of the Day: 

  • Turn over the owl shaped student name ring on the upper left hand corner of the smartboard to reveal the next helper of the day, who helps with calendar, lunch count, and leads the line.  Yesterday's helper is the caboose, who goes at the end of the line and turns out the lights.

Lunch Count / Attendance: 

  • After greeting, hopefully everybody will be here from breakfast.  If there are any lunch sticks left, find out if those kids have arrived and have them put their lunch sticks up.  Have the helper of the day count the lunch sticks (hot and cold) and you will report that to the office via a post it note (permanent teachers put it in Campus).  Include attendance with this note (just write who's absent).  You also find out how many students do NOT want milk for snack, subtract from total # of kids and send the # of milks needed.  Friday is chocolate milk day.
